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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

please follow http://hiddenstache.blogspot.com/ instead :)

Day 01 - Introduce yourself.

I'm the type of person that has issues just talking about myself. One thing I really am good at though is answering questions when they are directly asked to me. Ask me about myself and I can answer. Just tell me to talk and I'm speechless. Hard to believe huh?

Well on that note I decided to do one of those 30 days of questions to answers. This will accomplish a few things. It will force me to work through things about myself in the public eye and it will help me, hopefully, be more active in keeping a blog alive. I haven't done that since I was a regular base user of livejournal.com. That's taking in back old school.

Well day one is to introduce myself. Hi! I'm Rebekah Jean Drake. I go by Becky, but sign everything BeckyJean. I have a thing about really wanting that to stick, but it has yet to work. In high school I was just BeckyDrake (said all as one word). In Chico I'm BJ Drake to a close couple. Now, I'm BeckyJean to a few, Becky to most, and BJD to one.

I am 26 years old and tend to forget. On more than a few occasions I have found myself having to do the math to figure out my age. I am a young professional (if you can call me professional) that is applying to get my Masters but not sure even if I get in if I'll go.

I am the youngest of three daughters to parents that are still married, which is rare in this day and age. Both my older sisters are married to great guys. All three couples in my family have the strongest bond of love I've ever seen. I have often been asked how I can be a cynic of love when I am surrounded by what love is and should be. My answer to that is that I'm logical and love is not. I can't comprehend something so great as love.

Speaking of things I can not comprehend. I am a Christian. I love Jesus fully with the love that I don't understand. God is above anything a human can understand. I am reminded of this every day. He is so vast and grand that I can't express how I just know and feel that He is the Absolute.

In conclusion. I am a 26 year old Christian named BeckyJean. Those are the only solid things and I'm okay with that.